SnapCab — Inside the Blueprint

At SnapCab®, we have an amazing variety of products that help businesses across North America. With our innovative designs and dedication to our customers, we know that we can make a difference in your office spaces.

To help you get to know our products, we’re here to give an inside look at our SnapCab® Pods. Offices with open floor plans can struggle. From employees having trouble concentrating and finding privacy to a lack of productivity with too many distractions around the office.

Our Pods are the solution. They will give your employees a quiet place to get their work done, whether they are working alone or with others. Here’s your inside look at this fantastic product.

Guided by Innovation

SnapCab got its start because of our focus on innovation with elevator paneling systems. Our systems cut down the time to install new elevator interiors from several days to just one. These simple systems are easy to install, with only a few tools necessary.

We used that same dedication to innovation to develop our Pods. These small, mobile offices are like nothing else of their kind. They are on wheels, so you can rearrange them in your space as you need to get the most out of your office.

We always keep our customers and other relationships in mind when developing and improving our products. Our goal is to never stop improving our products because we know we can continue to update the design.

Innovation Matched with Simplification

The main benefit of all our products, besides their high quality, is the simplicity in their design and installation. Even after they are installed, their various design and customization options let you find the perfect Pods for your office space.

Each Pod offers optional seating and desk space. You can select different wall panel colors and easily hang up other items inside the Pods. The possibilities are endless with personalizing your Pod.

The Pods also have excellent sound-canceling features. There are sound-absorbing panels on the ceiling and a seal on the doors to further block sounds from coming in or going out. Whether you work better in a quiet environment or need privacy for phone calls or meetings, the Pods are perfect places to go.

The Pod Production Process

We have a streamlined process to produce our amazing Pods. We build them in a few steps and quickly get them ready to ship out.

First, the panels of the Pods get pressed with a laminate to achieve the strength they need to block noise. After pressing, we cut the panels to size and put them through a shaping and drilling machine to ensure they meet exact measurements.

Finally, we hinge the glass door and assemble the Pod. Our expert wrapping and packaging ensure the Pod is safe during transport, and then it’s on its way to your business. When it arrives, you only need to complete the simple assembly, plug it in, and then it’s ready for use.


Where does innovation come from?

More often than not, it usually stems from a need or a problem that requires a solution.

This is what inspires the engineers, technicians and construction personal at SnapCab.

Having conquered the worlds of elevator interiors and multimedia walls, they’ve set their sights on the open workspace environment where privacy is hard to come by.

And the SnapCab pod can provide a solution.

And as much as the folks at SnapCab pride themselves on innovation, it might be their focus on simplification that sets them apart from the competition.

Hi, I’m Glenn Bostock, CEO and founder of SnapCab.

In 1983, we started a woodworking shop in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

Myself and some other college buddies rented a barn, and we started building custom cabinet work.

Pretty soon, we outgrew the barn and we came up with a systematic way to remodel elevators.

It reduced the installation time for elevator mechanics from four days down to one day.

 In 2016, we were approached by a major open office company looking for a way to bring privacy into their open office.

They were looking at our elevator cabs and realized - hey, you guys very nearly have a phone booth here.

If only you could just panel the outside and put some doors on these things.

Apparently, there’s a privacy crisis, with all of these open offices.

People can’t think or focus.

They need small conference rooms where they can collaborate and have private conversations.

 It took one year to develop a prototype.

We went to market and we actually won an award at NeoCon for best of show in that category.

Alright, here’s where the action happens, out on the factory floor.

This is also where I keep my office.

But, before this turns into a pod, a lot of work has to happen to it.

And we’re going to take you through the whole manufacturing process.

And here we have Kyle, my production manager, and he’s going to take you around.

Kyle –

Thanks Glenn.

I’ll show you how to make the pod.

Welcome to the first stage of pod manufacturing.

Panel production.

What we do first, is we place large sheets of flake into our glue and press machine, and press them with any type of laminate that you might see on the outside of a pod.

Once the panels are pressed, they get cut to size on the beam saw.

Once the panels are cut to size, they’re then placed through the shaping and drilling machine.

 So, once the panels are completed, then the glass door is hinged, and brought to the final assembly cell – where the pod is fully assembled.

Once the pod is finished assembly, it’s then brought over to the packaging cell where it’s wrapped and packed.

You thought that orbital wrapper was cool, well now check out our robo-wrapper, ‘Pac-man.’

My favorite thing is how we actually build a pod.

It has a panel on the outside and one on the inside.

You can hang anything you want, you can put anything in there.

You can personalize it and customize it as much as you want.

We have people installing monitors, projectors, anything.

The pod is the only pod in the industry that actually has casters and wheels.

It makes it super easy for you to just put it in place and start using it.

My name is Corinna Mossberg, I’m the president of SnapCab.

 I used to work for one of the major elevator companies where SnapCab was a fantastic supplier.

We’re always promoting being kind, being authentic, being useful and creating value for others – whether it be customers, employees, or any other stakeholders.

The executives at BrandStar, the production company behind inside the blueprint, were so blown away by the pods – they ordered one for themselves.

Corinna, nice to see you again.

Nice to see you again.

Hey, Aaron.

Nice to see you again.

Hey, as promised, here is your SnapCab Pod.

But this is not what you ordered.


This is SnapCab Pod 2.0.

This has all kinds of features, that are just coming out on the market now.

Nice, well you know it, I want to dedicate this pod to one of my special producers.

I’m going to have her come down and take a look at it.


Can you come down for a second? I want to show you something.

Sure, I’ll be right down. Okay.

I know you’ve been working really, really hard – and I know sometimes you need some privacy with your own phone calls and stuff, so we got you this great new SnapCab that is going to be dedicated to you.

For me?

So, it’s going to be Brittany’s pod.

Oh my God, that’s incredible.

Come in, let’s check it out.

Incredible, oh my goodness.

That’s where Scooby’s been.

This is amazing.

It’s nice right?

It’s really nice.

This pod has corning glass on the whiteboard.

Also, there’s acoustic sound absorbing panels.

Check out this door.

This has a triple seal that really blocks the sound.

 So, what gets me up in the morning is really working with the team that I work with.

 We have people that love working together, collaborating, to use our God-given talents to do something useful to benefit other people.

And I feel like my time is really well spent here at SnapCab.

For more information about the SnapCab pod, please visit us at

With Gorilla Glass, we haven’t even scratched the surface of possibilities.